Broken Dreams
Writer Donna Ray ©

Hi my name is Donna
Ray, Welcome to my website. I was born in Fall River Massachuettes in 1959, My parents are Ed Ray & Rita Ray. Being
raised in a musical family growing up was an amazing experience in my life. My Father was a musician back in the 50's having
his own band called Alabama Ray and the Goat Hill Ramblers, Playing every Saturday night on KASO Radio Station in Minden Louisiana.
Singing as a child gave me respect for Country Music. Listening to all the old tunes like Little Blossom, Letter to heaven
and many more made me love the life of singing. I remember daddy would take out his 2 track recorder an play music and record
all the songs by female singers so that we could sing along an record our vocals on tape. There are 5 of us daughters an he
would line us up to take turns recording. My Mother is a special writer she has written many songs an I have recorded them
for her on demo. Songs like Rose in the Bible, Mountain of Tears, Greenlease Story Back to the Arms of this Fool and so many
more. I am singer/ songwriter myself. Writing songs has made me love music. Taking a story an making a song out of it puts
a real good aspect in what I love to do. There are many songs that I have written in the past, Songs like Carrying Memories
and Memories of Mamo and can be heard on KHBW Radio Station in UK with DJ Lindak live on 365,,
with D.J. Sue Maclaren and you can find me in that chat room talking to all the D,J's and listening to great tunes that Sue
plays. My Kinda Country Radio Station, Dixieboy Radio and Texasbroadcasting Radio station. WLSO Radio,Tinternet Radio,Famecast,
and Texasbroadcasting Radio Station. I have played many places threw out the Arkla Tex area. When I am in my home cleaning,cooking,taking
care of the grandbabys, words will come to me an I jot them down and later pick up that peice of paper an get to writing,
Or maybe just singing a tune in my head then I'm ready to put it all together. My favorite time is when I am in my deer stand
hunting an writing songs, Hunting is my specialty. thats my past time when the season comes. I feel that when a song comes
into my head an I write that song it makes me know that iI have acomplished something. Put your whole life into what you have
and things you have done to be the person you are,, Many people take life for granite,, I take life every day one day at a
time. My family is very important to me, My parents , my sisters, my grand children and my friends, Make every day count for
all the blessings that god has given you. ,,,The years of my singing I have met alot of people. that was a great time in my
career we would travel all over the Arklatex from place to place having a good time performing. We were called Donna Ray and
the Poboys. . Sam Peeples was my manager at that time. Booking jobs every weekend. The Homer Hayride was great time in my
life especially the Christmas shows. I would have all the children in the audience come up on stage while iI was singing white
christmas. That made the children feel noticed. Making people happy is a very good thing to do while singing. It brings joy
to the listeners an making the show alot of fun is what I aim for, The fun part about this was we never had a dull moment
in the band. I remember walking into a night club in a small Texas town years back we played at didnt like country
music but by time we got threw the first set they were asking for more. Of course we did alot of rock & roll for the crowd
and they liked that too. I think we made alot of rockers turn country. It was a pleasure meeting an performing for Jerry Jones
owner of the Dallas Cowboys,, They has a premier game an yes they won. I was playing at the Horseshoe Casino in the Oak Tree
Lounge an had the honor of singing some Patsy Cline songs for Jerry. In fact when we were closing up that night Jerry walked
up an asked me to sing solo again to a few more Patsy Clines songs, I could tell Jerry was a Patsy Cline fan
, Sam Peeples was an still is a big influence in my life . Course he was my Manager an Booking Agent for many years. Sam showed
me that Country Music was an inspiration in my life. Sam had me booked every weekend for a few years. Places we traveled in
the Arkla Tex are still indented in my mind. My life with Sam will be cherished forever. The best friend I will always have.
Sam took me under his wing an showed me the buisness, Working in his studio called Trax Studio in Homer Louisiana was great.
We would work for many hours Recording songs,
Sometimes we saw daylight for a few days, Sam always told me you have to
work hard at what your doing if you want to do something with your self,, Sam I dedicate this page to you for everything you
have done for me. I thank you for being a part in my life.