The Day I Met Charlie
Written By Ed Gowens and Bobby Huckaby ©

Donna Ray Charlie Louvin |

The Day I Met Charlie Louvin |
The Day I Met Charlie Louvin 2009 :
What a great day that was. Imagine walking to your car seeing a man walking his dog coming from a baseball field then
leaning over looking at your licence plate asking Are you from Louisiana? I said yes sir, he said his drummer was from Bossier
City and I said well I'm from Benton Louisiana right outside of Bossier City, So then the man walked away. A few minutes
later He drove up to my car with his wife and little dog and said, Are you going to be on the show tomorrow? I
replied yes Sir and I stopped to really take a look at this man and I said Are you Charlie Louvin? and he said yes I am. I
stuck my hand out and told him I have always wanted to meet you Charlie and he shook my hand. We talked for a few seconds
and Charlie said I'll see you tomorrow. Well tomorrow came and here walked Charlie to the stage to practice with the Renditions
who are my producer Ed gowens, Tim Hicks and Lamar Hunter. Charlie walked over to me and said I'll sing today if you will
do a duet with me. I said yes I will Charlie. The song was I Still Miss Someone. That was The day I met Charlie Louvin. Imagine
shaking the hand that has touched thousands of Entertainers hands. Charlie Louvin You Are A Legend. Thank You Charlie.
Your Friend
Donna Ray

in Nashville, TN & The Louisiana Hayride
have been very fortunate to meet so many people in the Music industry these past few years. One of the Record Labels I have
met and written about many times is Stardust Records, Nashville, TN owned by the late Buster Doss and now owned by Barbara
The 29th of this July 2009 month Stardust Records asked me to accompany them to the Limelight
in Nashville and see “The Traditional Country Opry on Tour” with “The Louisiana Hayride Band.”
Buster Doss & The Louisana Hayride - 1948
KWKH first broadcast The Louisiana
Hay Ride on April 3rd 1948 from Municipal Auditorium in downtown Shreveport, LA.
I spoke with Bud Christian the music
director of the Louisiana Hayride about the history and future plans of the Hayride.
Modeled after radio barn dances
like the “The Grand Ol’ Opry” in Nashville and “WLS” out of Chicago, The Louisiana Hay Ride
soon became a hit, not only across our nation and but to the armed forces over seas. A number of our most famous country stars
got their start at The Louisiana Hayride. Jonny Cash, Hank Williams, Jim Reeves, The Wilburn Brothers, etc. There are so many
you need to go to the web site and check out the history. “Louisiana Hayride”® was also known as the “Cradle of the Stars”® because it has made so many artist stars.
Donna Ray - photo by Jayne
One of the newest artists is Ms Donna Ray a native of Massachusetts
who moved to Louisiana when she was 17.
Donna is currently signed with Echota Recording Studio, Ed Gowen – owner and producer.
Miss Donna Ray, a member of the Louisiana Hayride,
was voted Artist of the Year 2007 for her C.D. “Broken Dreams.” Donna started performing at age 7 and later recorded
songs that her mother had written for a demo. From a musical family, when Donna was young her father played with a band named
Alabama Ray and the Goat Hill Rambler.
To see more of Donna’s music
and find out where you can catch a show go to: http://www.donnaraymusic.biz/id12.html . Donna Ray will be appearing
in person at the up coming Jamboree By theLake in Winchester TN Good music from about 35 Independent Musicians from all over the
country Come out to this free event Labor – Day Weekend September 4rd thru September 6th.
Jaynes Blog Nashville

Is proud to award
Artist of the Year 2007
Artist of the Year 2008
Song 0f the Year 2008

Is proud to award
Artist of the year 2007
Donna is very deserving of this award and she is sure to earn many more such awards
as her fantastic career continues
Her new Album "Broken Dreams" is
getting Radio Airplay worldwide
We would like to thank all of her fans and the great DJ's from all over the world for
your support and Airplay
You can hear some of her songs and download them for free at:
Thank you,
Ed Gowens, Echota Records
Hi Donna, I
just want you to know what a pleasure it is to work with you. You, my friend, have so much talent. I have worked with many
artists over the years and some of them are great, but you just go out of your way to make me so proud of your accomplishments
in the music Industry. You are the Producer's dream. You listen to what is said and you do your absolute best to make sure
your vocals are perfect when recording. I congratulate you my friend and I know that you will really make a huge impact in
Country music. It is just a matter of time. You are destined to become a very huge success and I am so proud to be a small
part of your work.
Thank you for being the great person you are. We all Love "The Dynamic Donna Ray"
Your friend
and Producer, Ed Gowens/producer/song writer Echota Records USA
May 1, 2008 Salt Lake City, UT - In April, there was awarded for the Female Vocalist of
the Year 2007 Donna Ray. She is the recipient of the award for the honor which is presented yearly by Grat Country
Radio. Michael Stevenson, founder/president of GCR says "This is the first year that we have given this award and it goes
to a lady who has graced the independent charts with a very awesome voice." This is the first year that GCR is giving
this award and also has inducted Donna Ray into the National Independent Artist Hall of Fame. The hall of fame was created
to honor three independent artists per year. The awards go to those who GCR feels has made the best contribution to
Country Music. The ricipient of the Male Vocalist of the Year 2007 is Ronny McCoy with his song Chicken Square Dance.
The Artist of the Year is Art Carter with his great voice and many songs which he has released through out 2007. Each
of these three are the first members inducted to the hall of fame by GCR. (This article appeared in the CMT News and
the Artists National News in May 2008)
GCR Founder President
Michael Stevenson
Echota Records
Donna Ray
are proud to announce the release of Donna's latest song
"Baby, I'll always love you"
Music by: Juet Dansk AKA "Rockangel"
Lyrics and produced by: Edward A Gowens BMI
Echota Recording Studio
Attention Worldwide DJ's
Please visit Donna Ray's Soundclick site to hear and download
this song for free
Thank you all for taking the time to listen and download our
All Radio airplay is much appreciated
Ed Gowens, Echota Records
is proud to announce:
"Direct from The Louisiana Hayride"
Located at The Historical Municipal Auditorium
Shreveport, LA
"This is where it all started for some of our greatest Country Artists"
(Just released two new songs)
Both of these songs are Traditional Country to the core
To hear and download these two fantastic songs plus several other great songs for free
please visit:
Attention DJ's
All radio airplay is appreciated

Calhoun Georgia Press Newspaper Reported
· Ed Gowens Local Songwriter
Local songwriter has songs recorded by Louisiana Hayride Artist
(Calhoun, GA) Local songwriter Ed Gowens has had several of the songs he has written, recorded by International
recording artist Donna Ray, a member of the famous Louisiana Hayride in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Gowens has been writing Traditional Country and Country-Gospel songs since 1999. He has written close to 500
songs and has had around 200 songs recorded by various Independent Country and Gospel Artists from around the world.
Gowens says, "Donna Ray is an awesome artist and is a member of the Louisiana Hayride in Shreveport, LA. I
remember listening to the Hayride on radio when I was a kid and never dreamed that someday my songs would be recorded by someone
as great as new Hayride member, Donna Ray" "She is truly amazing to watch on stage" said Gowens after a visit to the show
in December.
Current owners of the "Louisiana Hayride", Maggie and Alton Warwick have recently collaborated with Bud &
Carol Christian in the production of a series of "Louisiana Hayride" shows, including the tribute to Claude King, to be highlighted
throughout the "60th Anniversary Year of the Louisiana Hayride", which begins April 2008 to April 2009.
Several of our greatest artists have had their careers launched at the Louisiana Hayride, including such greats
as Elvis Presley, Hank Williams, Johnny Horton and Claude King just to name a few. Every Sunday afternoon, the lights come
up, the music starts and great show is on at the historically famous Municipal Auditorium and now some of Gowens songs will
be performed there by one of Today’s greatest Traditional Country artists, Donna Ray
Gowens wishes to send out a special " thank you" to Bud and Carol Christian, Maggie and Alton Warwick of the
Louisiana Hayride and to Donna Ray for having such a great show.
Just released by Echota Records and Donna Ray (Member of the world famous Louisiana
Hayride in Shreveport, LA) (The Story Behind The Song) One night in 1975 a lady came to my house and wanted
to be a singer. She had a voice that wasn't country so after she left I stayed up all night long and wrote a country pop song
entitled "Our Son And Your Famous Name". I never heard from the lady again. I had been performing
with my 1970’s band, "Autumn Mist". Our keyboard player was Linda who at the time was married to Ronnie
Harrison our drummer.
We were playing dances and were doing material by "The
Eagles", other pop artists & my own songs. Linda was very original with a voice that was a cross between
"Cher" and "Jennifer Warrens" so I decided to let her record the song. We went to a nice studio
in Little Rock and recorded Linda's version of that number and I recorded a song I had just written,
"You Don't Know I Exist". "Autuman Mist" had a 45 rpm record released prior to these events with Linda
singing backup/duet parts with me on two songs I had written, "Anchorage Coal Fields" and "My Kind Of Woman".
The "Our Son & Your Famous Name" project was a little late to release on a 45 rpm
record because Linda wanted to start singing harder rock and that wasn't my choice of music to perform. The
band folded so I signed a deal with "Pyramid Records" and released a couple of songs, "Susie Jones" &
"Run Ruby Run".
"Our Son And Your Famous Name" remained
on an old worn out cassette until 1983 when I began playing and singing with Native American recording artist,
Dixie Harrison. I dug it out one night & Dixie liked the song so we made a crude version of the
song on 'reel to reel' and she sang it at the Nashville Palace in Nashville, Tennessee. We never did
record it professionally so both of the old cassettes lay dorment until I put them on a CD in 2003. Recently I emailed the Linda Harrison (Cheek) version
to Ed Gowens of Echota Studio in Georgia, and he thought the song was good so he produced a version
for "Donna Ray". It was a thrill to have Donna put the same emotion that I had felt back when
I wrote about 'the little guy who looked a lot like his famous mom'. Currently Donna's version is #11 on
Soundclick's "Traditional Country Chart". I would like to publicly thank Ed Gowens and Donna Ray
for the great job they did in singing and producing the final version of my song, "Our Son
And Your Famous Name".
ROY COST (bmi )
To my dear friend Donna Ray,
I want you to know that since I can’t be there to present you with this award, I asked our friend Carl to do it for
me. The Louisiana Jamboree is the ideal place to present it to you as this is your home stage thanks to the great Bud Christian
and his wife Carole.
My friend, you are one of the greatest Artists to ever sing a song and we here at Echota Records want to show our appreciation
by giving you this small token of appreciation you so well deserve.
Thanks to all of your fans who also requested that you receive this plaque, I present you with our highest award.
Welcome Donna Ray as Echota Records Artist of the year 2007
Thank you,
Ed Gowens, President
Echota Records USA
I have talked to you on line and on the phone and in person as well as hugged you, There is no change in you
from on line to phone and in person. Too many people are not the same on line as in person but you are. Some have personallity and looks but no heart, Others have great heart but no looks and no personality but
You posess all three.
D.J. Donald W Dibbled in Canadian Country Music Barn
(bwaaats daddy)
Broken Dreams CD On this album you will hear This Winters Day written by: Ed Gowens of Echota
Records. This Winters Day has reached NUMBER 1 with DJ LINDAK of KHBW LIVE 365 , Donna Ray has been featured Artist Of The
Month of November.
ECHOTA RECORDS "Broken Dreams" Album Sees DONNA RAY'S Cherished Dream Fulfilled
REVIEW by EVY Date: April 8, 2008
Georgia U.S.A. Songwriters: EDWARD A. GOWENS, DONNA RAY, LORAINE WASHBURN Producer: EDWARD A. GOWENS Websites: http://www.donnaraymusic.bizand http://www.soundclick.com/edgowensAlbum Dedication by DONNA RAY:
"I dedicate this album to my dear friend ED GOWENS who has been
an inspiration in my life. ED you have been there for me since the day we met. You welcomed me with open arms on your
label ECHOTA RECORDS and through you I have met so many nice people who have also welcomed me. By the way ED don't forget
the snacks. You know how I love to have my snacks. hehehehehe .. DOODLES"
They were destined to meet, and they did.
What a climactic moment that must have been, when a songwriter whose skill it is to write those tear- flooding country
hits met the star who has the voice, personality and heart to take his songs to the very top. In my opinion, ED GOWENS
and DONNA RAY are a perfect music match if there ever was one.
When choosing songs for my March 11, 2008
"Tribute To Stu Munro" show as a fond farewell to the retiring STU'S PLACE radio host, it was NANCY MAREEN'S
"I'm Crazy For You" from WIR-Records that declared our passion, and "Like A Dagger Through My Heart"
from DONNA RAY'S new album was the cutting edge that unleashed the sorrow of longtime listeners.
explicitly exposes the deepest pain of a hurting heart. Healing begins when we stare the cruel truth straight in the eye,
cry out our sorrow, and start to feel the joys of life again. We are then finally free to discover that lasting
love and real happiness may be only one ecstatic moment away.
Congratulations to DONNA RAY whose "BROKEN DREAMS"
album is also a dream come true for fans and radio hosts everywhere who hunger for the pure traditional country sound.
you ED GOWENS for sending me the album to delight STU'S PLACE listeners while I was a visiting Guest DJ, and for giving
me the absolute thrill of meeting DONNA RAY through you. She made my day. You did, too!
With love from Canada,
EVY Freelance
Writer http://www.withlovefromcanadaevy.caEVY OF CANADA AWARDS 
Hi Edward & Donna Ray: What a great song and video!...donna Ray "you
hit another musical one outta the ballpark!..Did you rewrite this song up Edward?...It is great!..If Donna ever wants to do
something on "Down On Music Row" my friend, she`s got the green light from me!...You guys are AWESOME!..Love ya, Gil
Dear Donna....I listened to this classic again and the songwriter would be proud of your
rendition. For some reason, the title 'Down In The Valley" comes to mind...heck...do I
remember learning a verse or two of this song in school? I recognized Lamar Hunter in
the music right away. I love what you guys did to it. hugs and love from Canada...evy 
Hi my name is Rod Collman Iam a DJ in Australia it would be really good to be able to play Donnas
music in my shows in Australia my email address is
the Statio I am with is Monaro FM we operte through 4 translators and cover 2,500 sq kilmts which
is a country area in the south east corner of nsw I also have a myspace
hope to hear back from you best regrds Rod
my address is
Rod Collman
1 Stanton St Nimmitabel 2631
NSW Australia
Hi Folks,
Donna Ray's latest release "From Midnight to Five". Written by Jim Flynn
and produced by Ed Gowens--- Echota Records and Recording Studio.
I hope you enjoy it
Ed Gowens
Hi everyone,
I just thought that I would let you know that today, I added 4 new songs
by Donna Ray to my soundclick site for free downloads. These four new songs will be on Donna's new upcoming album to
be released soon.
Three of these great songs were written by Jim Flynn of Maine and
one was written by Roy Cost.
All four songs were produced by me (Ed Gowens) at Echota Studio
Please go to my soundclick music page and have a listen.
I hope you enjoy these great songs.
All radio airplay is appreciated
Thank you,
Ed Gowens-Echota Studio USA
Hello Ed
I just wrote a minute ago and gave Ronny McCoy a listen. Nice tempo and vocals fit the
Do you have a collection of Donna Rays songs? Does she have a CD? I cannot stop playing them
on soundclick. She has a voice that reaches in and touches your heart. I would like to get a copy if it is at
all possible.
Look forward to hearing from you.
The "Sweetheart of the Louisiana Hayride," Donna Ray, holds the #27 spot on the latest Joyce Ramgatie "Top
200" Chart. Congratulations Donna, this is a significant accomplishment in indie music. I am very
proud of you, Ed, and Tim, for the high quality work you continue to put out. Some of the stars ahead of
you on this chart are; Dolly Parton, Jim Reeves, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, Ernie Ashworth, and Waylon Jennings,
-- not bad company to be in. -- Jim
hello again, i just posted a "thank to all the DJ's," for donna's #27 position on the top 200 chart.
you can read it by clicking on this link. donna will stay in this position until the next chart is posted, probably
sometime next month. it's pretty hard to get up there in the twenties, and stay there, so let's all enjoy
the moment because it reflects our work as a team. Jim
Hello Ed, Darn you write great song's my friend. Donna sure ad's great life to them too. Sure do hope
I get a chance to work with her again sometime in the future.
She is a wonderful artist and I sure had a great time getting to know her a little. I would be honored
to work with her again sometime on another show if we get the chance.
Again this was a great song here and I sure do love Donna's voice on it. Talk to you later my friend
It Country Dean Holmen
classic country song, should relate well to a lot of the ladies who have felt this way about their man.
:) great job all the way around, track and vocal. donna poured a lot of strong feelings into her vocal.
she makes you feel like you're seeing the good-bye scene play out right before your eyes. bravo, that's not always
easy to do. :) i'm sure it will be well received by indie radio.
Greetings Ed;
My remarks are below.
Please advise.
Regards, Steve
WoW! Now we come to 'Before You Go', (for the consumate country music listener, this
is an A+) This has it ALL for me! It speaks of parting (for any reason) and the NEED to stay connected however
possible! The story, the melody, each word, and even the guitar. PERFECTION in my
eyes and a pleasure to my ears! The lyrics just let you look into the emotion of the heart
and soul... The talent demonstrated by this wonderful artist can not be duplicated.... (who
needs the words when the melody moves you to the core)? Another home run for the writer.. JUST GREAT!!!!!!
Howdy Ed.......
Sure do like the song.......Another great job by you and that sweet little lady, and good friend.......Donna
Ray.........5 starssssssssss, ole buddy.....Hope things are doing well for ya.....Enjoy the Jam by the Lake, and Give Barbara
Doss a hug, from HoneyBear.....hahahaha,
In Music,
Sid Cox |
Hi Ed,
Thanks for sending the email. I did listen to the song and I think it is a great
song and Donna Ray did a wonderful job performing.
Thanks again and please continue to send to me.
LaRue Roberts
Good Morning Ed, Love the songs...transferrin them to the
station data base asap!! Would love to play them on our station. Carol
Thank You for stopping by my Website